Thursday, August 23, 2012

Evanescence once more…

Despite the idea that kept coming and going through my head, I continued my way up to see one of the most wonderful waterfalls in Slovenia. “You are going to fall and break your neck… or any of the 206 bones – if I recalled the number right- in your body…

Somehow the idea was not strong enough to resist the beauty and the charm of this place… the sound of the water was getting higher… stronger…gradually silencing that other voice of reason…

As I walked up the steep irregular slope… trying to find the right place to my foot… I could hear Lara Fabian’s voice singing: “ …un instant boréal ou l’on sent que le vent tourne et prend la neige par la main, détournant son chemin, pour ouvrir un grand lendemain… » « … a boreal moment where one feels that wind turns and takes the snow by hand, turning its way to open a great day ... ” it was so clear in my head … that moment when your destiny changes … where you either go on… or simply fall….

I was not afraid…. I was not even worried …nothing really mattered… even if I didn’t make it to the top …I was enjoying every detail … and it didn’t matter what would happen later …. It was like when you really want to do something and you tell yourself:” all I want to do is this and it doesn’t matter if I die after this…”

I remember being in that particular point once before in my life… I was really enjoying my former work – at a certain period of time- … I felt I was useful… and most of all I made sure that I expressed my appreciation and my gratefulness…

30 minutes later I was down… to hear the unmistakable voice of evanescence singing my immortal … one of my favorite bands singing one of my favorite songs … one that brings back very dear memories…

I bet the guy in the café didn’t know the effect of his very simple action pressing the play button….

Sunday, August 19, 2012


..... So wired are the deams.....where we meet the people that we miss.... Those who left this world...and those whose path was designed so far away from ours...dreams that seem so true that we don't realise that it was a dream until we wake up.... If only we were aware that it is not real life...we would have said all that we want to say....with no restrains...with no care about the consequences....just the truth....yet it seems that our mind insists to have the upper hand and refuses to let go its control...always standing between us and our happiness....even if it is a virtuel one.....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

slow. ...

i like to take things slowly... This way i have the chance to be aware of what's going on... The details... It gives me a chance to build a connection... Develop a reflex... Like, if years later, i come to read this, i would see the picture that i am seeing now through my room window, hear the hum of the street and the passing cars every now and then, smell the green that's everywhere arround us... It is raining...and it has been breaking through our room for quiet a while, the lightening i mean,and seconds later we hear the thunder...away from the scientific explanation of the sound, and which i am completely aware of, it seems someone is yelling upthere...could be the angels, could be the spirits...
Inside it is ok... Dry... Not so cold... Safe... I can sit and write a blog as i watch what's going on outside.
For the first time i don't turn on a music background... I listen to the rain... And i will get back to my stephen king's the stand...