Monday, September 5, 2011

it did happen....

There are certain points in life that are significant enough to be highlighted and considered as a turning point, a hall mark.

One of these is the time when you find yourself able to see things that have always been there yet, you were unable to perceive.

Recently I had one of those moments, and for some reason it made me create this knew blog spot.
This site wasn't supposed to be for sharing an experience or expressing an opinion, but I will do so… I will talk about me, and I will talk about a close friend.

I had a look at my other website, which is 5 years old now!! I see how things were somehow silly and immature, yet I won't delete it. After all it is still my site. I was that person, and what said then was true and honest, and in fact I still mean most of it.
So I won't delete it and make it as if it was never there, because in fact it did

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