Monday, April 8, 2013


…seeing the different patterns of relationships between people… I found myself consumed by the most confusing one… at least for me… as people go through life … they get the chance to meet different people…. Some become friends… some simply part in a different path… and become a simple passenger or a passing by … and some go in their own way yet we can’t deny that they left a print … so right before they leave they say… let’s stay in touch… yet they don’t… and as time goes on… it becomes harder and harder to communicate… and when finally they decide to pick up the phone… they put it right back, wondering what exactly they backed off… is it the fear that they won’t be remembered? Well this seems to be a reasonable risk to take… if it would help them know that the person they care about is ok…most probably they feel that they don’t have the right to just hop on in someone else’s life and disturb its peace…. … it doesn’t matter … eventually they won’t do what they want ….

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

side mirrors

...there is no figure of speech here... i am going to talk about the side mirrors of my car... they happen to be very important... they show me all the speedy cars coming from behind and trying to overtake form either side, which makes me slow down to let them through... they also show me the mini bus that is coming closer and closer and simply hitting the side of my car...besides... everytime i take a quick glance, i see the red sun going lower and lower... destroying every bit of a plan that i had for the evening...not that they are fun plans... they are simply what needs to be done to prepare for the following day's work... so ... it can tell a lot ... the side mirror ...