Monday, June 18, 2012

The invisible man...

once there was a man who could turn invisible .....
it might seem cool ... until you become invisible yourself .... or treated like one .... only then you will understand how frustrating it is

as we reach a point where we have to choose A or B or non of the above ... everyone, besides doing the thing that matters, which is choosing, they kept juging the others ... and categorizing them as if everyone knows all the facts about everything

well the only fact that is so crystal clear now is that no one learnt anything... no one aquired the ability to see the other.... no one tried to understand why the other did a ceratin choice... because simply the other doesn't exixst for him.... so don't ask me why i prefer cds and books? or why my guitar is my best companion

Saturday, June 16, 2012

To live for (1)

to live for....

on Friday, May 27, 2011 at 12:11pm ·

i had the chance to be introduced to two that i find facsinating and very interressting, medecin and philosophy. adding to this the latest course that we had concerning how to argument a cause, i find myself in a place where i question almost everything. questions that in most of the time remain without an answer.

or with a relative answer.

what's the point of life? there must be one. that's for sure. wether we know it or not that's not very certain, after all it was not our choice to come to this life.

so i did a little search in my head and found some stuff that i can hold on to, to help me go through this life.they were not many but they were stong enough. the main ones are very personal so they can't be discussed, but i can tell about the rest.

it is a chance, to do something good. to make a difference. to learn something. to meet people. to know that there are still good and kind people in this world. to enjoy the moment when you find the peice of music that you have been looking for and that's been played in your head over and over, just because someone ,that you don't know posted it on youtube.

to be a part of all the good things that happen, the things that we didn't choose, the things that we feel heaven sent to us, even the things that are not meant to last.

to hope that we will be remebered...

To live for (2)

" what would you do if you knew that you have one day left to live?"

That's the question which, if asked, would help you focus, be alert,know what are the things that you really want to do- which are the things that really matter to you-, and most importantly, you will do them, because really there is no other time and you have nothing to lose.

you might call someone that you really miss and haven't heard from for years, you may even arrange an appointment.... you might write down all that you want to say to the people arround you so that you won't forget anything when you talk to them... you would take care of the unresolved issues and you would arrange whatever is needed so that things can be Ok after you go...

Unfortunately we don't get that alert ... we go through the days... do whatever that has to be done... say anything and everything without considering the effect of our words on others... waste the time... let the chance pass by us... and let the depression and the hopelessness steel away the gift that heaven gave us... our present

I don't think we should take what we have for granted... I think we should feel every moment and find the way to enjouy everything in any possible way ... no matter what I won't let the cahnces pass by me and i will say what i want in any possible way.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time travel

Yes, it is possible, and i tried it more than once.

In the dollhouse ,TV series, they imprinted the people in doll state with different personalities after erasing their own, they let them go and bring them back after they finish their engagement.
Taupher, the neuro guy says that this process of imprinting happens to people normally everyday in their life, in our life.

Like what happens with perfume, music, songs, and even colors... we go through something, good or bad, and somehow one of these get linked to it... we are not aware of the process... we don't know it is happening... we don't realize how strong it is.... until the time when that thing with which the memory bonded comes our way again and takes us back to wherever and whenever that memory was.

If we let go, we can allow it to give us the chance to relive it all, for once, as if it is true

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The very little things

So limited is the area of choice that we have... and most of the corner stone issues in our life just happen to us and there is nothing that can be done about them.

But... we can choose which book to read... and if we didn't like it we can simply close it and put it away.
We can choose which track to listen to, and how and when... the same for the wonderful cup of coffee that gives us a little alertness or the signature chocolate that improves our mood just a little bit...

That's why it is hard to let go these very little things, because sometime, they are the only thing that we truly have...